1.2. Memberships

In the BitShares, there are two types of Membership Groups. Everyone becomes a Basic account member when created new BitShares account. Then, you can upgrade to a Lifetime membership (LTM) account. The Lifetime member (LTM) account gives the options and benefits to all BitShares holders.

1.2.1. Membership Group Types

Basic Account Members:
 A regular default account. It’s free, but not qualify for any cashback on transaction fees.
Lifetime Members:
 One time upgrade fee is required. Lifetime Members get a percentage cashback on every transaction fee they pay and income from referrals (Referral Program).
(Annual Members):
 This membership has been removed. (*see the below notes)

To find out your Membership stats on the BitShares UI wallet, go to your account menu and select Membership stats. You can find your current membership status and the upgrade fee to become a LTM.


In Q1/2016, the annual membership has been removed from the code base and no longer exists. References to this kind of memberships can be safely ignored.


Due to some discrepancies, the annual membership has been disabled in most web wallets and will be re-enabled after a proper update eventually.